You know as a military wive, I find myself enjoying the fourth even more then I did as a kid lighting the farm on fire in Oklahoma. {my sis and I have a little pyro in us at times} Since Caylon and I have been together {6yrs} the 4th has aways been a fun holiday for us to celebrate together. We celebrate with him driving up from tech school to surprise me, by watching our first show on an Air Force base, by me driving out from Oklahoma to surprise him and the Johnson's and Clay's and then last year, by him being over seas. That was the hardest 4th, but also the proudest..
Sarah and I both with hubby's gone decided to go to the WR concert alone with my 2 kids in tow and baby Cole in tummy... We set up on the side of the stage so there was room for dancing {what's a concert with out dancing} When the fireworks started exploding overhead, the music {amazing arrangement of music} blaring through the smoke filled air, I noticed the small and faintears softly running down my face. Listening to Lee Greenwood, I'd Proud To Be An American was more real to me at that moment then it had ever been before. I thought the emotions that ran over me at that moment was simply because I was alone while the hubby was actually fighting for the exact reason we were celebrating....
This year, the Hubby was home and after hearing that Diamond Rio was preforming, it wasn't hard to talk him into going, my sister Stevie was in town and so we drug her along.
Walking in the gate we ran into what we called the {Mormon Crowd}. We mostly invited ourselves but every one's smiling faces made it very clear we were not going to sit anywhere but with them. :)
{ We had the best group in the house: Bonner's, Noel's, Everton's, Carlson's, and of course the Foskey's}
the highlight of my night.
Ri-Lee ran and danced with the other kids, while Kaden who had no interest in the music made a friend in Spencer when the helicopter began to make round over head. I managed to get such a cute picture of the two of them, that I'm sure Spencer will love. :)
Caylon and I took full advantage of not having to hold kids and danced to the music, enjoying our first 4th together in 3 years. (Sorry I'm horrible at taking a photo of myself)
I found myself taking in all the colors and shapes that were exploding in the air above us, thinking to myself about how horrible ti would be to be somewhere else, anywhere else. Somewhere, they don't get the chance to sit outside on blankets with great people playing (loosing) at spoons eating fruit or KFC.
I was thinking, thinking about why we were all there, about how blessed each person in that park really was. Not just to be here to see the fireworks and here the oh so talented voices of Diamond Rio, but to be chosen by our Heavenly Father to be able to be born in America at this time. To be able to dress, talk, believe, and enjoy ourselves the way we choose, in this beautiful country... My sister recently got a tattoo, which isn't my idea of a pass time, but the fact that she can go get that by her own choice is amazing to me . I think that people take for granted the place we are. No America is not prefect far from it, but, looking around at all the people enjoying the fireworks, the people that are able to celebrate their INDEPENDENCE made em so grateful. Grateful to those celebrating there with me, grateful to those who fought to get us this INDEPENDENCE, and grateful to those who continue to fight for it..
This year was no different then the past ones in one sad/happy way. This year though my hubby was home, we still had friends serving over in the War. This year we still get down on our knees and pray for the safety of not only those that we know but those that serve along side them in battle. To those I thank, to those I decidate this poor version of a blog to.. To those I owe my choices to. They work hard everyday for us to stay free, and the least we can do to thank them is to support them in their fight. They may of singed up to go over there but they did it out of Pride. Pride for our country, pride for their families and them selves and I have PRIDE in what they are doing and in this great country...
It really was a great 4th of July! It was fun to sit with a group of friends.
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