Friday, July 16, 2010


I feel like my heart is broken in peices!!!

This morning at 12:50 a very good friend of mine gave birth to her daughter. The speachless part is that the baby was due in November and sadlywas taken to live with Heavenly father sometime in the last few days. The thought of what she went through makes me cry. She had to deliver the child just like any other and is no planning a funeral for her on Monday. I'm so far away and feel so helpless to her. I just cry everytime I think about it. My heart feels broken and it isn't even my child, she wouldn't of even been a niece. Just a child I would of been blessed to know. I got the call and didn't know what to say, I just kept appoligizing like it was my fault or something, like Saying I'm so Sorry would make all the pain go away.. Why is it that we instantly appoligize when something tragic happens to those arounds us. It doesn't fix anything, it doesn't improve the suitation, and it's just 1 of the 100 times they will hear it from not only friends and family but stangers who will hear their story years to come from now. Still not fixing or changing anything that has happened in the last few days. So why is it the only thing I could muster up besides I love you. Why is it the only thing I can bring myself to put on a card to mail to my best friend at this diffucult time . Will "I'm sorry I love you " really help her, I can'tchange the outcome, I can't hold her hand and cry with her. I can just look at my babies and try to imagine a small bit of what she is going through.  Not even a small bit, I can think all I want but I can never imagine the pain she feels. She is so blessed , 2 awesome kids and a wonderful hubby not to mention the rest of her family. I thought of a magnet my mom gave me when I was 17 and going through somethings,  It's the best thing I have come up with so far other then I love you to fit the sutation...

I Prayed For You Today
I know it seems you're all alone
no one to really care
with such a heavy burden
that you alone must bear
I may not know just what to say
nor exactly what to do
But may you be assured to know
I'm praying just for you
So even though it seems
that many storm clouds fill your day
I know the Lord has heard our prayer and help is on the way!!

 I'm not sure what else to say, other then I love you Leah and your beautifu family. I'm always hear for you though I'm far away!!!

Dani Monique 12:50am July 16, 2010


Sandra Dabney said...

That is a beautiful poem. This is very hard to go through but time will lessen their pain. It will never go away completely but you won't cry automatically every time you think of that sweet baby. My grandson died of SIDS when he was 4 months old. He would be four years old now had he lived. I still grieve for him even though I know he is safe in a much better place. I don't know why we are asked to go through these things. I do know that my daughters are both stronger women because of what happened. There is an organization called "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" that helps with grieving and making memories of such sweet babies who are too good to live. Maybe you could look it up online and see if there is anything that might help your friend. I am sorry for your/their sadness. May God bless you all.

Lolly said...

Having been exactly where your friend is 13 years ago this week, I can say that you sharing your love with her, offering your arms and just remembering her in your prayers are huge gifts. Grief knows no bounds, but learns to temper the sting over time. My sweetest moments were from my friend Hattie, who didn't have to say or do anything - just exist and remind me that she loved me. May your friend draw strength from you.

Erin Noel said...

I felt the exact same way when I found out. Leah is so blessed to have an amazing family and I know she's thankful for them during this time. George and Jill flew out there to watch the kids while Spencer took Leah on a little trip for a few days. I'm so glad Alana lives close enough to Leah right now that she could go be with her sister too.

I'm am thankful beyond words that Leah has the Gospel in her life. She KNOWS that she will be with her sweet Dani again and that is such a comfort.