It's been almost a full year since I last blogged, I took time away because I wasn't feeling like I had anything more to share. In the last few months I have come to realize I wrote this blog not to share everything with people but to remind myself of what is going on.
I have been teaching in Relief Society for about a year and a half, I can't say I have had that many great lessons but I can say they keep me around so I can't be doing that bad. I'm coming off a year of trips and stumbles in my personal life. I have spent the year punishing myself for mistakes I made and not letting myself grow or live like I should. I hadn't really though to much about why I kept punishing myself I just kept doing it. In the last 2 months things have happened that have caused me to reevaluate my life and the way I look at myself and others around me. I came to realize after many years I was still holding in feelings of anger, and my feelings being hurt along with a bit of shame with me towards people. The last few weeks I have felt prompted to speak to people I had never give the chance to because I was warned or told by others I would have nothing in common with or wouldn't like the way they behaved. That was a HUGE mistake on my part, to let other people dictate whom I would like or not like was completely wrong on my part. I decided to give people a chance over the last few weeks after all it is a new year why not. Guess what I learned some of these people are pretty amazing and I really do enjoy being around them. Who knew right? :)
For those of you that new me in school I was always in a conflict with someone, and even though I tried hard not to let that follow me into my adult life it did at times (some times it wasn't me bring the conflict in, sometimes it was) I have been in the Bishop's office because of issues with others I've had talks with Caylon about issues with others and even talked to friends about issues with others but something I very seldom did was talk to the PERSON I had and issue with. Some of my pending issues were years old and I found I had been caring them around with me for much to long. After chatting with several women in our ward I came to realize there are several different issues with several different people going on in the ward. Clicks just like High school (they truly never leave) were/are going on and I realized in my chats that for the first time EVER I don't have any issues with anyone. I can honestly say I have no harsh feelings, mean thoughts or bad vibes towards a single person in the ward in the squadron or really in my life right now.. I was shocked when I actually said this out loud, it hit me really hard to realize that I AM FREE. Do you know how good it feels to be free of conflict free of tension (expect my current headache) and mostly free of drama(can't help but hear of others drama)! I feel uplifted and upbeat.
I teach once a month in R.S. and this new manual we got made me very nervous. I had been struggling for months on the inspiration vs desperation thing with my calling and most Sundays Desperation was winning. I am sure some could tell. I also received a new presidency over the holiday and the swap was making me a bit nervous as well. New ladies sometimes me new preferred teaching styles. I was also dreading the new manual over George Albert Smith. I sat down and glanced at the title of this lesson and saw "LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF" I can honestly say I was excited to teach this. I was researching the lesson when I stumbled across this quote
I leave you celebrating with my on my new found peace and joy on finally being able to look at everyone and have love in my heart. I can say it was not easy and it took for some people years before I was able to see them with this feeling, but I am finally able to do it. To pray whole heartily about them when they are in need and to smile with sincere heart.
It's so liberating to be free of drama isn't it? I'm loving it! I have worked hard to let go of things, and it is a work in progress, of course, but I am so much happier when I don't take things so personally and give people the benefit of the doubt. Better living through charity!
Great post Samantha! You're right, loving one another can be the most freeing feeling of all....
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