Thursday, January 19, 2012


After having 2 kids (1 girl and 1 boy) this pregnancy I haven't been able to get my gut feeling on the gender. I am really okay either way but thought it would be fun to try every single old wise tell gender prediction test I can find and see what results I get between now and the end of Feb when I find out from the doctor.

 The Baking Soda Test — Put enough baking soda into a cup to cover the bottom, then pee into the cup. If the baking soda fizzes, you’re having a boy, if it doesn't react, a girl. IT'S A GIRL
 The Cabbage Test — Cut one red cabbage into chunks, boil for 10 minutes, then set aside. Head for the bathroom, and pee into a cup. In a separate cup, mix 1 part urine with 1 part cabbage water. If the water turns pink or red, this indicates boy. If the water is purple, it’s a girl. MINE SAID GIRL
The Drano Test —  Fill one glass jar wtih 2 tablespoons of Crystal Drano, a second glass jar should contain 2-3 ounces of urine. Take test materials outside (I feel like I should recommend safety glasses, or maybe even discourage trying this one at all!), and pour urine into the glass with the Drano. If the mixture turns dark brown within 10 seconds, it’s a boy—no change, it’s a girl.  IT'S A GIRL
 Hairline Gender Test — If this is your second child, check your son or daughters neck hairline. If the hairline comes to a point, the baby you are pregnant with will be the opposite gender. If the hairline goes straight across, it will be the same gender. This test also indicated boy for me. BOY for us Kaden's hair line is straight across
 Chinese Gender Chart — 

Mother's Chinese Age At Time Of Conception
Month of Conception18192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445
Gold Ring on Gold necklace- This an easy baby gender prediction method to try. Take a pin, needle, or wedding ring and attach it to a thread or strand of hair. Hold the dangling item over mom to be's belly or wrist while she is lying down. If the needle or wedding ring swings in a strong circular motion, you will be having a girl. If it moves in a to and fro motion like a pendulum, you will be having a boy. GIRL for me

Nose test- Not much of a test but I've been told the wideness of your nose during pregnancy can predict gender, thanks to a friend (Claire) I've been told it is A GIRL
Heart Rate-The theory states that if your baby's heart rate was 140 beats per minute and above, you would be having a girl. If the heart rate was under 140 beats per minute, then you would be having a boy. mine says  GIRL

If anyone has anymore tests let me know I have months of waiting so I'd love to challenge the tests! :)
SO for now Girl is outweighs boy. I go to the doc this week for my 16 week check and will be picking a date to confirm or deny these test results!! Stay tuned!!