Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Time for Change

There comes a time in your life when you grow tired of the normal that has been created around you. At this point you must make a choice, to settle for something you are not happy with and keep living uncomfortably or to be the one to stand up and say I am ready for a new!! This time for me has come and I am so ready and optimistic for a new.. My outlook is positive and my heart is pure for a huge yet possible change in the world around me (specially the small world of WR, not ready to take on the whole world) Let's go I'm as ready as I can be!!

I've been on a high the last 6 weeks or so, a happiness I haven't felt in a great while and in this high I've had I have realized to keep it going changes need to be made in the world around me. My outlook towards all people must continue to be positive like ti has been the last 6 weeks or so and my drive and willingness for a change must stay strong and steadfast.  After  chatting with a few random friends I have come to realize I am not the only one with this grand approach to 2012. I am not alone in this hope for a new more positive world around us and I am not the only one ready to step up and show the love compassion and support needed to help begin this change. 

Everyone knows it only takes 1 person to start a revaluation it just comes down to who has the strength to being said change. Sometimes you don't have to begin a change alone. Once you make the change in your heart and set your mind to it you may find when taking the steps to bring the change outward  that you aren't the only person feeling the same way. By stepping out and showing a positive change you may find others stepping out and doing the same thing. People finding strength in you and finding strength in themselves to reach up and out to make a similar if not same change in their lives. 

2011 was a difficult year for many people I know including myself. By the close of the year I became so tired of being so tired and negative about the people and thing in my life I realized I couldn't live this way and to move past this changes needed to be made. The truth of the matter is a lot of the unhappiness I was feeling was self inflected by worries or stress and even doubt I put on myself. That can be seen outward after a while and others can feed on that and you never really know the effect it can have on those around you. I know I've seen it and felt it myself.  Not anymore! I am making a PACT not a resolution( cause people always give up on those by feb) to keep my heart pure as I can continue my prayers and keep the love I have found for myself and share that with others. May around me have battles they are fighting eternally  and may  be able to feel the positive vibe I am putting of. I may spark hope or a change in others just by making a change in myself.

I encourage everyone to open up their hearts and minds and expect this PACT along with me for a newer, happier and more loving self in 2012. After all the world is ending in Dec :) let's go out with a bang. Just kidding I know it's not over yet!! 


Unknown said...

I love it Sam! Thanks for sharing this! Keep those positive vibes rolling! It's amazing the way it snowballs!