For some reason I went into emotional breakdown on Tuesday. We had a knock at the door that afternoon and it was the ups man dropping off the much awaited car seat and jogging stroller I've been drooling over since the day I found out #3 was coming. I was so stinking excited (especially with only about 4 weeks until D-DAY if I even make it that long) The kids and I put it all together and Kaden even set in the stroller which he loved because it is GREEN!! Once I got it all together and stepped back to look at it, the world stopped, WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!! Yes, I know at 35 1/2 weeks pregnant you'd think I already knew that but until I saw that tiny little car seat sitting in the front room nothing had really set in. It's been 3 years since I've carried a car seat like that. Looking at Kaden sitting in the car seat really made me realize how big he is now, and how big his sister Ri~Lee is. August of this year will be 7 years since I found out I was pregnant with her. Holy Cow seven years.. My babies are growing up infront of my eyes. See for yourself
Ri~Lee 6 years almost 3 months
Kaden three years 5 months
It just stomps my breath when I think that for some reason this beautiful babies were given to me. These sweet smiles are MINE everyday. Sometimes, I know they aren't this cute but at the end of the day when I tuck them in bed and get those kisses I become very excited to welcome another sweet smile into our family in about 4 weeks. The proof is in the picture! I'M READY TO POP!!
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