March 22, 2006 7:06 pm
After 39 long weeks, and 24 long hours of labor Caylon and I welcomed RI-LEE CHICAGO KIMBALL into the world. Wow! In the last 39 weeks, I had found out I was pregnant, gotten engaged, flown to Georgia gotten married, finished school and had a baby. It was my own version of 16 and Pregnant only I wasn't 16. Things seemed to drag on but at the same time fly by so quiclky. After staying in the hospital for 3 days, we load Ri-Lee up and take her to my grandma's house were we were staying since, Caylon already had a house in Georgia for us. Caylon only got to spend 2 weeks with us before having to go back to Georgia( did I mention he flew in at noon on the day she was born). Once Ri-Lee hit 1 month it was time to pack up and hit the road with mom and dad (gaw gaw and pa pa) and drive a huge horse trailor full of furniture to Georgia so we could start our life. We started out in what to us was this amazing 2 bedroom house on base overlooking the lake with the ducks in our front yard. What an awesome place for Ri-Lee to play. Arriving in Georgia on Easter weekend April 16 and 17 Ri-Lee and I moved in and settled in for our life, not expecting to be relocated to Oklahoma in just a few weeks. Caylon out deployement orders, he was leaving June 1 for 3 months and we were being shipped back to mom's since I knew noone not to mention how to get around this town. By the time Caylon came home from his Deployement we had been married over 9 months and we had only lived together 5 weeks out of those 9 months, what a way to kick off your first year of marriage. Ri-Lee decided to crawl at 7 months cute teeth at 5 months and walk by 10 months and running pretty much came soon after!
Our first Christmas was awesome,My mom and sister (gaw gaw and Aunt Evie) came out to celebrate it with us!! We went to Savannah but never saw anything since it poured rain the whole time! The hotel was awesome though and Aunt Evie gave ri-ri her first piece of PIZZA!!! Yumm!! Ri-Lee had no clue what was going on being only 9 months old, but we got everything we could we thought she needed (F.Y.I she didn't really NEED any of it ) We started off 2007 by celebrating our 1 yr aiversay and started talking birthday parties. We went with a rubber ducky theme since that was her crib bedding! Leah and I spent abot 4 hours decorating a Duck cake it was the cutest cake I have ever made by far, the cute fuzzy white duck was holding a daisey! We had about 20 people come 2 of them actually being children! :) We did easter eggs handing from the ceiling and I cute out foam paper into the shapes of yeloow ducks and we hung them too! We did hot dogs and burgers and cake and ice cream too! What a freaking blast! We had a good amount of teeth by the time our birthday came and the teeth kept growning!
end of the year didn't go like we really hoped, after going from ear infection to ear infection over the first year we had hoped for a better start but low and behold by 15 mts we couldn't medicate anymore, it was time for TUBES! My worste fear at this point! My mom flew out cause Lord know I was nervous, sure enough it sucked, I mean it wasn't the worste possible thing that could of plagued my child but for us it was a big deal. We took her in and all in all the surgery was 10 minutes, the problemwas that she was 5lbs to light to have the shot to relax her so they had to carry her back and hold her down to put the mask on to knock her out, Thank You dr.'s because of that whenever we approached her to give her pain meds or any meds over hte course of the next year she would get so upset we either made a huge mess or she would vomit cause she would gag herself from freaking out! It was a BLAST :). Once the tubes came in though we had a talking girl, she didn't say anything but dada before cause she had so much fluid she couldn't hear anything adn what she did hear was muffled and crazy sounding, once those got put in well, if your reading this you know ri-ri and you know what happened when she could hear and started to talk again,(she turned into me, she never stops) :D Christmas year 2 was pretty neat we were alone just us and Ri-Lee actually ripped the paper off her girfts she was of course more intrested in the paper then the girfts but I think every kid is for a while. We got close to march adn realized that her birthday fell on Easter this year and my family decided to come visit us for it. Dad mom and sis came out adn we did a small party at the house just us and then hunted Easter eggs all afternoon. It was a sweet family party with some delish food!
Was pretty calm, we moved into a new house on base a 3 bedroom this time we only had to go 4 blocks! Things begin hard, in April Grandma Thompson (dad's mom) passed away so we flew to Oklahoma. May roles around and I get sick alot and often for about 5 weeks! Hmm low and behold Kaden is baking in the oven. We told ri-lee and from the get go she was tlaking to him and kissing my tummy. We enjoyed 1 last Halloween as a princess anad then our last family Christmas as 3! We welcome the new year in with Paw Paw coming to stay with Ri-Lee while mommmy and ddaddy went into the hospitla to welcome Kaden Jett. She was amazing the only time she got a little scared was when she saw all the things hooked up to me in my arm, she thought I was really sick. I thought so to! :) She wanted to hold him as soon as she saw him and her and paw paw enjoyed 3 day stogether while mommy and daddy stayed in the hospital. She has been a big helper from day 1 getting diapers, pacis, even just hugging him telling him it was ok. She didn't even regress whit her potty training when he was born, which everyone told me was going to happen! She is the best big sister!
kicked off with us bring kaden into the world!! And finding out we were going to endure another deployement during the summer. This time we decided to stay in Georgia and go home for a few weeks at the end of the summer. We spent alot of the time at the lake enjoying the water. Ri-Lee is a water bug! For sure! She has no fear. The Jet Ski the Foskey's have is her favorite but she won't ride with me nope only Tony can take her around. We went to oklahoma in July and Aunt Evie had bout a jet ski and she was so excited to show Aunt Evie and Paw Paw how well she rode on it. It was a blast. We came home and welcomed in Daddy from overseas! She was so excited to see him again, but she cried as soon as he got close to her. It was after midnight and we were on the flight line and I think it really freaked her out! We enjoyed the rest of the year by starting PRESCHOOL at Houston County High School. It was awesome and she loves Mrs. Cheek we also finshed up with a TDY in October, Gaw Gaw coming out at the end of OCtober sowe all went to ride THOMAS THE TRAIN in Cordell and then did Halloween as Dorthy and Kaden was the Lion! After Gaw Gaw left we helped Welcome Baby Cole in to the world the clostest thing I have to a nephew right now (& hopefully for a while Stevie adn Leslie)! Ri-Lee was so cut ewith him, he had RSV the first few weeks of his life so Aunt Sarah and Uncle Lance became Germ-X lovers,(Sarah already was) so if anyone wanted to touch or hold him they asked you to wash your hands and Grem-x Since the are over basically everyday I bought this huge gallon germ-x and Ri-Lee still to this day Tells Sarah I Germ-xd I can touch Cole Now!! It is so cute cause she will tell other people to grem-x to, and if she sees another baby she wanted to touch she will get Germ-x and then touch the baby!
We finished out the year by going to the TEMPLE in Birimimgham Alabama! We were sealed for time and all eternity on December 19 2009! She was so funny, before going I told her to leave her shoes on while in the Anex room while Brittni and Carmen baby sat, I didn't realize that when the Temple worker would com eget her that she would argue and yell that she had to keep her shoes on cause MOMMY SAID. (wish she would listen like that on other things) The poor worker kept tryign to get her to walk with her and she wasn't having it cause she wanted Mommy or Tony. Finalyl they bring her in with eyes as big around as half dollars! She was a little scared of the temple worker so after the ceiling Tony walked her out so she would be more calm and QUITE! We finished the next weeks with Santa coming and just hangin gout with Daddy while he was on leave!
We had a crazy few months so far, Daddy got his deployement cancelled for January so insterad he went TDY to Vegas for 2 weeks, just so he could come home and leave for a deployement in 2 weeks. It didn't go over well with Ri-Lee cause to her Daddy already left and came home! So by February we had become a tempoary family of 3. We did Valentine's day right before Daddy left and they had a big party at preschool!! On March 9 we ended up with our first ER visit, we fell adn hit the curtain rod that was sticking out over the edge of the bed (were moving so I had them taken down) it put a pretty good crater in her face and they ended up cuttin goff the dead skin and leaving it open to heal! It was a stressful day! The worste I have had, I am sure the ER visits will occur again I do have an adventureous daughter and a son coming up right behind her!So far she is loving school adn in a week or so I have to enroll her in PRE-K! HOLY COW
MARCH 22, 2010
Wow! 4 years ago today! I can't believe it! We have come so far! So here is what occured on Monday March 22, 2010. We wake up for preschool sick, then the phone rings and it was DADDY! He sand happy birthday and she told him she was sick and didn't wan tto go to school, but we still went cause we baked cupcakes for her pre-school birthday party! They were princess by the way!!! Soon after dropping her oof I get back tot eh base and within 10 minutes of being home the road is filled with fire trucks cause th neighbors house is on fire, after abotu 1 hour the clear out and I go on my way, I pick her up from preschool where they had and Awesome princess Preschool Party!! We drove home and she fell asleep on the couch about 30 minutes after sitting down. I call maitance cause it was 65 degrees int eh house adn I felt no air coming from the vents! Guess what not only was the heater and the ac running at the same time (not sure how) but the motor was burned up and the funky smell I had been smelling for the last week was it burning to a crisp in the garage closet! WONDERFUL! Oh but wait, the best part was that it was a special order part and it would be a few days before we had any heat or ac. So Aunt Sarah says we can camp out together in 1 room and calls it a birthday camp out! Ri-Lee loved the idea so tonight we are watching PRINCESS AND THE FROG, rosting marshmellow to make smores and camping out in mommy's room for her 4th Birthday!!
I am truly blessed to have the smart and amazing daughter I have. I may of started young but I have grown so much because of her, and I wouldn't change a thing!!! She is the best!
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