Thursday, March 18, 2010

I'm need somewhere to vent

So. I read blogs from several people all the time and really enjoy them but have never thought of myself as a blogger. 1. cause I don't usually have the time to and 2. cause I can't type or spell for crap. However we are counceled to journal our days and go backa nd look at them so rather then write them privately and on paper I have to keep up with I thought why not on here maybe what I have to say will help someone, either by thinking I am crazy and trying to not be like me or to relate to what I am going through wether it be as a mom, a wife or just a women in today's world, maybe all 3! So here it goes just something short.

We are currently trying to move off base to a wonderful rent house some freinds lead us on to, Caylon was supposed to home now, but you know the military they aren't on your schedule you are on THERE'S. So he is gone and I am trying to hold things together and get us moved in April. This is the 3rd. time he has gone over and it has started to go by the fasted partyly because I am so darn busy all the time and partly because I have figured out what to expect while he is gone.
For example: expect at least 1 ER visit per deployement, (We acomplished this on the 9 of March when Ri-Lee fell into a curtain rod I had laying on the bed and put a crader in her face); next expect to get sick somehow everyone in the family, whether it be sinus infection (I have that covered) or the stomache bug (still waiting) it will happen the dr will get to know you very well while your alone. He will actually get to know your hubby deployement schudle based upon the times you come around! Expect things to hit the fan at least a few times (so far it has happened 3 times in 3 weeks, er, moving problems, and just that first meltdown). Use you friends and stay stong things improve and then hit the fan and then improve! The good news is there is an end to the madness, well maybe not but at least you will have him back to help with the madness! :)

We are moving in T-minus 3 1/2 weeks and so far I am out of boxes, out of tape and stressing on the timeframe I have to do it in. But that's the life of Hearts and Combat Boots!!