A great author once said "Friends are God's way of taking care of us -unknown." It wasn't until 2006 that I trul
y started to find out what this ment! In october of 2006 a Leah and Spencer invited us over to eat hamburgers and meet their neighbors that they swore we would like. We had spent all day in Perry at the GA national fair and were late coming to dinner. (No suprise if you know us) We met Sarah and Lance Clay that night and our 4 some friendship with Leah adn Spencer quickly grew into the 6 of us plus Ri-Lee and Sj (leah's son). We lived 2 blocks behind the house holding Sarh and Lance on 1 side and Leah and Spencer on teh other. We did a group game night pretty much twice a month adn then had a girls night and guys night any chance we got. That year was awesome espically for me who never really had that true group of close friends growing up. By no means was I a nerd I just dated Caylon all through highschool and never had a girl friend I was with alot cause well lets face it I was love struck and followed him around like a sappy highschool puppy! (it worked though I got my man. hehe ) A year later(2007) Leah and Spencer were given orders to Wyomming and packed up at Christmas and headed out.
Two months after that in January (2008) Sarah and Lance got notice they had to move from the 2 bedroom house on base to a 3 bedroom, we got the same notice we moved into 3 bedrooms houses on teh same street! We took turns moving each other and using a red trailor we barrowed from a friend atCaylon work. At this time Caylon and I ran home to oklahoma for my grandma's funeral in April not knowing that coming back would change our lives. In May sarah and I were in Macon taking down pictures from her AWESOME senior show at college and I kept telling her about how sick I would suddenly get, low and behold Sarah was righ tand I took a test on April 11 and she was the first person (after my sis) I called. Sadly she was in Flordia with the sickness and passing of her grandpa! I did birhgten the mood a bit by telling her I was pregnant and due in January 2009~! At this time we knew that we would be moving out of Ga and didn't feel like it was our time to go, so after lots of long talks with Lance Caylon and I decided to put in for a special duty assigemnt in the same squardron Lance was in. Caylon wanted his wings and so we put in and sure enough that July (2008) we got picked up for the assigement and signed a 4 year here once again!! Whoot Whoot! Caylon got into the training squardron and was in from October to December doing academic traing, while he was doing that Lance went out for what ended up being his Last deployement in the Jstars! (i think) For some reason during this deployemnt Lance decided that cross training was something he needed to do adn he and Sarah decided that being a Loadmaster (haha I know right) was the way they needed to go.
(2009)While he was gone and Caylon was in training I brought Kaden Jett into the world and Sarah was right there to seen us in teh room and have a hott Lasagna waiting for us when we got home. (This wasn't the first time she had taken care of us, like when Ri-Lee had tubes in 2007 they brought us checkers cause she was so sick we couldn't leave the house) She was there to take pictures adn give kisses to her adopted nephew and we even sent some to uncle Lance while he was gone. Lance came home and they announced that after talking Caylon and I into staying here in Ga the were putting in for the Laodmaster traing and leaving us (lol we weren't mad just like to be dramatic with them) How dare them!! :) In March my uncle Paul was getting married and 2 weeks before the wedding I call Sarah and say hey crazy idea want to drive 17 hours to Oklahoma with me and the kids to a wedding with peopl eyou don't know and she actually agreeded! We had the oddest weather snow in March in oklahoma, the craziest time (HUGE POT HOLES) and the best experience!!
(sarah)(Hey Lance gave me a knife for safety, (me)ok were is it, (sarah) in teh suitcase in your trunk, (me) okay so if someone comes to rob us we'll say hold on just a sec I need to get in the truck to get my knife to cut you with).
Believe it or not we made it back alive and a week later Sarah announced she was expecting their first child (Cole Allen Clay) due in November!! I knew the whole time we were in OKalhoma! It was awesome! She got to see my town adn my home I grew up in! She even met some family of mine!! Sorry about that sarah ;) Later that summer (2009) Caylon deployed and put on Staff and Lance watched over us while he was gone and Sarah and I pretty much just kept being us! :) Soon after Lance tested adn found out he made staff. Whoot Whoot!! In September Leah moved back while Spencer went to training and we tried to pick up were we left off. Things were fun but not the saem. With Leah having another child Jordi (such a doll) and me having Kaden things got harder to do together. We got to hang out a few times and Leah helped me and Sarah's family give Sarah an awesome shower for Cole. We made penis cookies so Leah's idea I just baked them :) We knew as Cole's birth got closer it ment 2 things, things were changin big. They were a family of 3 adn they were moving sometime in 2010. This was something that was not talked about alot cause the unknown wasn't worth bringin up. We didn't get to welcome Cole into the worl on at the hoispital on November 23 because of the H1N1 the hospitals in our area made a rule only parents of the new parents were allowed at the hospital. So Leah adn I decorated the house in blue, I mean lots of blue. I made lasagna for them cause they did for us and took it over. Two days later they celebrate Thanksgiving with us and it was so cool. It wasn't anything big but it was the best Thanksgiving ever. We had so much to be thankful for. Both the guys were in the states this time and we had 2 new additions to our families in 2009 Cole being added just days prior. Our small group had grown from 6 adults and 2 kids at the start to 6 adults and 5 kids just since 2006! Wow! I feel so grown up!! Leah and Spencer moved to Utah and I wish them the best and all the happines they can imagaine there. I really think they found there place. I am not sure though, busy days have not allowed us to talk, I check up on them through their family, and did recieve some wonderful text messages from her a few weeks ago. Sorry can't disclose info!! As much as I love my Leah I have grown a special bond with Sarah. She knows the good the bad and def the UGLY! ABOUT ME, MY FAMILY AND MY MARRIAGE. She has become the person I call with random question like is housing open on fridays and the person I call crying cause I don't know what to do about this move or this house! Lance watches out for us while Caylon is gone yet again and he and caylon e-mail and even talk on the computer they are worse then Sarah and I most of the time. They call even on the way home from work. :)
Anyway, the point of this blog was to tell Sarah how much her friendship means to me. They announced today that they are going to be moving to Oklahoma in June for a bit and then to Califorina. That is clear acrossed the country from us. The other coast. So not driving distance! 4 hours time differance so calling will be fun for a while until we learn the time zones! I am so truly happy for them because Lance is getting to work with the airframe he was hoping for and they are really excited. to be going, and being a military wife I knew I wouldn't have the same neighbors forever. I mean I am moving off base in 3 weeks so they wouldn't of been just down the street anymore anyway but they would of still been in the same town. As sad as I am to not being running to Ross's or target together or even tackling the commisary with all 3 kids while the hubbys are gone for training or something. I am so happy that they are getting to see the other side of the country since they were both born adn raised in Ga. They were looking forward to getting out. If this were a peice of paper you could see the wet spots from the tears I have while summing up the last 3 1/2 years we have been blessed to share with these wonderful people. I remind myself that this isn't the end to a close friendship it is still just the begning cause I know I will still give her random phone calls, like what kind of cake should Imake for Ri-Lee's 5th birthday and those important calls, like Caylon is gone and the yard needs mowed and Ican't get it done who in the squardron do I call, and I know the guys will still have there calls, dude there was a 10pt buck just standing int eh back yard by teh swingset last night but I couldn't get my bow in time!! :)
I could go on and on about the things we have experienced with our best friends but this blog would be so long noone would ever read it. So I will close with another quote
Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival." - C. S. Lewis

Two months after that in January (2008) Sarah and Lance got notice they had to move from the 2 bedroom house on base to a 3 bedroom, we got the same notice we moved into 3 bedrooms houses on teh same street! We took turns moving each other and using a red trailor we barrowed from a friend atCaylon work. At this time Caylon and I ran home to oklahoma for my grandma's funeral in April not knowing that coming back would change our lives. In May sarah and I were in Macon taking down pictures from her AWESOME senior show at college and I kept telling her about how sick I would suddenly get, low and behold Sarah was righ tand I took a test on April 11 and she was the first person (after my sis) I called. Sadly she was in Flordia with the sickness and passing of her grandpa! I did birhgten the mood a bit by telling her I was pregnant and due in January 2009~! At this time we knew that we would be moving out of Ga and didn't feel like it was our time to go, so after lots of long talks with Lance Caylon and I decided to put in for a special duty assigemnt in the same squardron Lance was in. Caylon wanted his wings and so we put in and sure enough that July (2008) we got picked up for the assigement and signed a 4 year here once again!! Whoot Whoot! Caylon got into the training squardron and was in from October to December doing academic traing, while he was doing that Lance went out for what ended up being his Last deployement in the Jstars! (i think) For some reason during this deployemnt Lance decided that cross training was something he needed to do adn he and Sarah decided that being a Loadmaster (haha I know right) was the way they needed to go.
(2009)While he was gone and Caylon was in training I brought Kaden Jett into the world and Sarah was right there to seen us in teh room and have a hott Lasagna waiting for us when we got home. (This wasn't the first time she had taken care of us, like when Ri-Lee had tubes in 2007 they brought us checkers cause she was so sick we couldn't leave the house) She was there to take pictures adn give kisses to her adopted nephew and we even sent some to uncle Lance while he was gone. Lance came home and they announced that after talking Caylon and I into staying here in Ga the were putting in for the Laodmaster traing and leaving us (lol we weren't mad just like to be dramatic with them) How dare them!! :) In March my uncle Paul was getting married and 2 weeks before the wedding I call Sarah and say hey crazy idea want to drive 17 hours to Oklahoma with me and the kids to a wedding with peopl eyou don't know and she actually agreeded! We had the oddest weather snow in March in oklahoma, the craziest time (HUGE POT HOLES) and the best experience!!
(sarah)(Hey Lance gave me a knife for safety, (me)ok were is it, (sarah) in teh suitcase in your trunk, (me) okay so if someone comes to rob us we'll say hold on just a sec I need to get in the truck to get my knife to cut you with).
Believe it or not we made it back alive and a week later Sarah announced she was expecting their first child (Cole Allen Clay) due in November!! I knew the whole time we were in OKalhoma! It was awesome! She got to see my town adn my home I grew up in! She even met some family of mine!! Sorry about that sarah ;) Later that summer (2009) Caylon deployed and put on Staff and Lance watched over us while he was gone and Sarah and I pretty much just kept being us! :) Soon after Lance tested adn found out he made staff. Whoot Whoot!! In September Leah moved back while Spencer went to training and we tried to pick up were we left off. Things were fun but not the saem. With Leah having another child Jordi (such a doll) and me having Kaden things got harder to do together. We got to hang out a few times and Leah helped me and Sarah's family give Sarah an awesome shower for Cole. We made penis cookies so Leah's idea I just baked them :) We knew as Cole's birth got closer it ment 2 things, things were changin big. They were a family of 3 adn they were moving sometime in 2010. This was something that was not talked about alot cause the unknown wasn't worth bringin up. We didn't get to welcome Cole into the worl on at the hoispital on November 23 because of the H1N1 the hospitals in our area made a rule only parents of the new parents were allowed at the hospital. So Leah adn I decorated the house in blue, I mean lots of blue. I made lasagna for them cause they did for us and took it over. Two days later they celebrate Thanksgiving with us and it was so cool. It wasn't anything big but it was the best Thanksgiving ever. We had so much to be thankful for. Both the guys were in the states this time and we had 2 new additions to our families in 2009 Cole being added just days prior. Our small group had grown from 6 adults and 2 kids at the start to 6 adults and 5 kids just since 2006! Wow! I feel so grown up!! Leah and Spencer moved to Utah and I wish them the best and all the happines they can imagaine there. I really think they found there place. I am not sure though, busy days have not allowed us to talk, I check up on them through their family, and did recieve some wonderful text messages from her a few weeks ago. Sorry can't disclose info!! As much as I love my Leah I have grown a special bond with Sarah. She knows the good the bad and def the UGLY! ABOUT ME, MY FAMILY AND MY MARRIAGE. She has become the person I call with random question like is housing open on fridays and the person I call crying cause I don't know what to do about this move or this house! Lance watches out for us while Caylon is gone yet again and he and caylon e-mail and even talk on the computer they are worse then Sarah and I most of the time. They call even on the way home from work. :)
Anyway, the point of this blog was to tell Sarah how much her friendship means to me. They announced today that they are going to be moving to Oklahoma in June for a bit and then to Califorina. That is clear acrossed the country from us. The other coast. So not driving distance! 4 hours time differance so calling will be fun for a while until we learn the time zones! I am so truly happy for them because Lance is getting to work with the airframe he was hoping for and they are really excited. to be going, and being a military wife I knew I wouldn't have the same neighbors forever. I mean I am moving off base in 3 weeks so they wouldn't of been just down the street anymore anyway but they would of still been in the same town. As sad as I am to not being running to Ross's or target together or even tackling the commisary with all 3 kids while the hubbys are gone for training or something. I am so happy that they are getting to see the other side of the country since they were both born adn raised in Ga. They were looking forward to getting out. If this were a peice of paper you could see the wet spots from the tears I have while summing up the last 3 1/2 years we have been blessed to share with these wonderful people. I remind myself that this isn't the end to a close friendship it is still just the begning cause I know I will still give her random phone calls, like what kind of cake should Imake for Ri-Lee's 5th birthday and those important calls, like Caylon is gone and the yard needs mowed and Ican't get it done who in the squardron do I call, and I know the guys will still have there calls, dude there was a 10pt buck just standing int eh back yard by teh swingset last night but I couldn't get my bow in time!! :)
I could go on and on about the things we have experienced with our best friends but this blog would be so long noone would ever read it. So I will close with another quote
Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival." - C. S. Lewis