It's been a while I know I am sorry I haven't felt to much like writing but today is different...
So on a serious note, I know many are writing about how much they love Thanksgiving and how it's the best holiday, but to be honest I wish we could eat turkey on a different day and skip Thanksgiving. November 2003 we got dressed and headed over to my grandma and grandpa Thompson's house like we did every Thanksgiving, we always go over early to watch the parade while Dad, Grandma and Aunt Frieda cook. We got there and started doing our thing when Grandma asked mom to go check on Clarence he had been sick and wasn't feeling well. I don't remember exactly what all took place in what seemed like just seconds- the next thing I remember is I was behind the wheel of my grandma's Lincoln and we were caravan to the ER in town it was close to 10 something in the morning. (Let me pause and say that my grandpa has had 9 bypass surgeries and survived them all amazingly) By about 6pm that night not only was all of us there but several uncles aunts and cousin had been called in. I spent most my time outside on a bench staring into the darkness, in all the times I had been to the hospital with grandpa I always felt like it was ok to go home, this time was different no one left we ate from the vending machines in he ER waiting room. Somewhere around 9-10pm my Aunt Frieda decided she would go home get clothes and then head to OKC to wait for the medaflight that the Dr.'s felt was needed. I remember the helicopter landing and going inside to see what was going to happen. Their were nurses and Dr.'s everywhere my mom and several relatives were on the phone to other relatives. I see the door to grandpa's er room open and I see people on the freaking table beating on grandpa's chest... The door gets slammed closed and within minutes I am back outside and my uncle Jimmy is next to me attempting to tell me what I already knew had taken place. After 12 hours at the Er we were finally going home along with 20 other relatives that had gathered during the day.. We never really ended up eating a Thanksgiving feast. I think the worst part was none of us cold get a hold of my Aunt Frieda so I had to call her pastor from Rush Springs and ask him and his wife to drive 2 hours to the city to the hospital to try and find her before the Clergy at the Hospital does. Turns out the made it there in time and they told her together then helped her get back to Grandma's house to see the rest of us.. I think we were all up until the wee hours of the morning in complete shock and sadness. They never could really tell us what happened, he went in with flu like symptoms and 12 hours later he was gone.. ( My other Grandpa Lee passed away just 3 months prior while I was out of town alone at a Church camp) The next Thanksgiving my sister and I begged to skip Thanksgiving but my family insisted that Grandpa would of wanted us to Celebrate. Every year, I prepare a meal, eat my pie and then say all the things I am thankful for. I have many may blessings i receive each day and many things I am oh so thankful for, but I can't help but wish this day would end. I have a reoccurring nightmare I have around this time of year and it is me stuck in a hospital trying to escapes but all the doors are locked and on the other side is my grandpa on that table with those people banging on his chest.. I love the food, but haven't in 7 years enjoyed the holiday...
I am thankful for Family here and gone, friends near and far, for gifts material and emotional and for life in general!!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!
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